

Humanscapes: Solo Exhibition by Valasia Dodulu
12 - 31 July 2022

In the exhibition entitled 'Humanscapes', Valasia Dodoulou presents a series of sculptures and drawings. Through experimentation with materials, three-dimensional human landscapes were created, while with the use of new technological means, the design converses with sculpture, and the immaterial sculpture of sound. It is a dialogue between the point and the infinite, but also the continuous inter-formation between the units, as part of the whole.


Black & White: Painting Exhibition by Spiros Gratsias
3 - 18 August 2022

The 22 black-and-white drawings of the exhibition are characterized by a very personal artistic style. Utilizing an almost obsessive repetition of patterns, lines, curves, and innovative shapes drawn with black ink the collective work of art exemplifies legendary heroes, institutional entities resulting into a visual projection of an emotional timeline.


Art Exhibition: "Parts That Make Up A Whole"
8 -27 June 2022

By the artists Clemence Malleret, Erato Trika, Ismini Black, Vagos Perlebaha, Jay Crossland, Battina Schroedl from Turbo Service in Athens.






Art Exhibition: "Reverse Split" by Vasilis Galanis, George Petsikopoulos, Kleopatra Tsali
July 2021

The shift of our body from the city to nature is the "Reverse Split", the union, that follows our separation from the cities. The new condition that will be born, this experiment of which we are all witnesses is precisely our field of interest.







Photo Exhibition by Necmi Aydin Sahtariadis
August 2020

The first three Naxian Marble Sculpting Symposia through the lens of director, photographer and visual artist Necmi Aydin Sahtariadis.


Painting Exhibition by Antonia Protonotariou
July 2020

Painting exhibition by the young artist from Apeiranthos, Naxos.


Disc Exhibition: Vinyl Days
February 2020

The exhibition focuses on the covers of vinyl records as a mean of artistic expression, whether it is photography, portraiture, sketch or composition. It is accompanied by a brief reference to the history of Vinyl and a record bazaar.







Sculpture exhibition: The marble sculptors of Naxos today
August 2019

Cycladia curates and presents the first marble sculpture exhibition in which participate 10 marble sculptors who live and work in Naxos.


Painting Exhibition: "Summer, Mythical Homeland" by Katerina Stoikou
July 2019

Summer snippets of memory, color forms, shadow and light games.


Art Exhibition: "A Grain of Sand" by Cynthia Wells
June 2018

Passing through the mountains of Naxos is like reading a story about myth, history, time and the language of the earth.







Installation of "Mitata" by Thanasis Giotakis
August 2018

A small sanctuary, simple, austere. Dedicated to the cooperation of nature and man, for their mutual survival.


Installation of "Genesis 2018" by Artemis Papadima
August 2018

Interactive installation with Light. Reference to the reasoning that connects the Basic Structure of Matter, Man and the Universe.


Painting Exhibition: "Older than you" by Sophie Raynal
July 2018

The idea of ​​a big trip around the world. Naxos is one station in that journey . Watercolors, inks and sketches of this eternal space.


Art Exhibition: "Stories of Things" by Apostolos Chasiotis
June 2018

Materials for recycling compose new forms.







Art Exhibition: Olga Plastira & Antzei K. Wisniewski
September 2017

The exhibition entitled "Panic in power / Peace in the struggle" includes works of sculpture in marble, sculpture in metal, engraving, painting, calligraphy, ceramics and mixed media.